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Nature Inspired Products With A Purpose.

It all started in December of 2023, when our founder Kaitlyn, became a first time mom and a foster mom at that.


The baby she cared for was neonatal drug exposed which created some challenges as her bowel movements were so acidic, just a few moments of contact with her skin caused a diaper rash.


On one particular evening, she forgot to put a barrier cream on before bed, and baby slept for 7 hours and pooped. This caused the worse diaper rash, with open lesions.


For 6 weeks our founder battled this rash with an often sick and diarrhea-prone babe. She used everything on the market and nothing helped.


So, using her previous history with homemade balms she turned to mother nature. Within 3 days of her making her balm the diaper rash cleared leaving just scarring, and our company was formed. 


She is the owner of Penny Rose, a foster mom and the wife to Alexander. Using her degree in history, (which in her words is really just a research degree!) she works hard to research every ingredient to ensure that what goes on the skin doesn't impact the rest of the body negatively. Because who wants soft skin at the cost of your liver? By only using ingredients with a purpose, she ensures that from packaging to product, you can be confident that your loved ones get only the best.

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